CK Spinning Rods

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  • Cashion Kayak Series Shaky Head Rod

    Kayak Spinning Rod Design – Everything starts with the carbon fiber fishing rod blank.  Cashion designed ALL NEW blank actions specifically for the CK kayak fishing rod series.  New blanks were necessary to ensure the rods were perfect for kayak fishing.  The new kayak spinning rod blank is 7’2” with a reinforced tip that is fast loading but very responsive.  The reinforced tip in combination with the Medium Heavy backbone allow for lighting fast energy transfer on hook set.  Responsive hook sets are necessary on a kayak because the boat is usually not stationary and will drift with current, wind, or pulled toward your hook set.



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    *** ROD+REEL COMBO DEAL: INSTANTLY SAVE $34.99 when you combine a Daiwa Legalis Reel and a Cashion Kayak Series Spinning Rod! ***
    *Rod Cover not included
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